main objective
IMPlementation period
2020/11 — 2022/08
Project Number
The aim of this project is to familiarise teachers of a second language with targeted communicative practice activities.

To enable schools to provide training in developing grammatical knowledge for spontaneous communication as part of their existing CPD programmes.

To provide language teachers with opportunities to enhance their understanding of practices and procedures that can promote the development of grammatical knowledge for spontaneous communication

To allow teachers to put the theory into practice by providing them with practical tools such as clear guidelines and a variety of sample activities.

Second-language learners often develop knowledge of grammar rules which they can use to complete simple exercises but are not able to use that knowledge to communicate fluently and spontaneously outside the classroom. The aim of this project is to familiarise teachers of a second language with teaching procedures that can help learners develop grammatical knowledge for spontaneous communication.
Our Team
The project will bring together five partners from five countries.

Funded by Erasmus+

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